Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 45: Back and Biceps

Wow, tonight was a good workout. I took three scoops, which is the max dose, of Jack3d which really gave me and awesome drive during my workout.

I opened up the night with 20 unassisted Wide grip pull ups... that's a record for me. I had a real good pump all night and was feeling really good about myself until AB Ripper X came.

I still hate that SO much.

I'm officially at the half way point of my first round of P90X.

I'll continue to push play and BRING IT!

1 comment:

  1. hi - its "workoutrosie"! i was wondering where you were. i just hit my 30 days on sunday. i see a little progress but im still working out hard every day. hope you are doing well!
